All use of SDSU Mesonet data must be credited.
Academic publications using the SDSU Mesonet dataset must include a citation in the references (acknowledgements or in-text alone is not suffcient).
Redistribution of these data is not allowed.
Distribution of your derivative data work is allowed, so long as it is not possible for your end user to download those products and process them to recreate SDSU Mesonet data.
Commercial Use
Commercial use of these data is not allowed.
Quality Control
Data from the automated data request system are provisional. Until they have been reviewed by an expert, these data should not be used for legal or research purposes.
Attempting to process data request, this may take some time.
An error has occured in processing.
Please check that the form has been correctly filled out. Name, Email, Station, Year, and Terms of Use are required to continue.