Precipitation Total (in). Precipitation uncertain on freezing days.
Max/Min Temp Maximum and minimum temperature (°F).
Max Wind Gust Maximum 3-second wind gust (mph).
Insolation Total horizontal irradiation (sun hours = kWh/m²). An hour of sunshine directly overhead on a clear day is roughly one sun hour.
Soil Temp, 4” under Bare Average soil temperature (°F) at a depth of 4 inches under bare soil.
Soil Temp, 4” under Sod Average soil temperature (°F) at a depth of 4 inches under sod.
Frost Depth Deepest occurrence (in) of 32°F soil temperature under sod.
Station Locations Names and locations of active stations with data shown on other maps.
Soil Moisture
This map represents the five monitored layers of the soil moisture column (2, 4, 8, 20 and 40 inch depths).
These are based on volumetric soil moisture and have not be calibrated to their local soil types.
Not Available