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Date Temperature °F4 in Bare Soil °FFrost Depth inPrecip inGust mph
2/80 to 2023 to 2621 in0.0026
2/712 to 3225 to 2721 in0.0437
2/66 to 3822 to 2620 in0.0023
2/59 to 3423 to 2619 in0.0031
2/43 to 1323 to 2618 in0.0023
2/34 to 2126 to 3012 in0.0028
2/221 to 3430 to 3016 in0.0122
©2025 South Dakota Board of Regents
* freezing conditions may cause delayed and underreported values
This station made possible by
US Army Corps of Engineers

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