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Date Temperature °F4 in Bare Soil °FFrost Depth inRain inGust mph
11/348 to 5551 to 53No Frost0.0223
11/226 to 6239 to 54No Frost0.0025
11/129 to 6340 to 57No Frost0.0030
10/3131 to 4943 to 55No Frost0.04*21
10/3041 to 5550 to 56No Frost0.0624
10/2943 to 6151 to 62No Frost0.0017
10/2851 to 7554 to 67No Frost0.0023
©2024 South Dakota Board of Regents
* = freezing conditions may cause delayed and underreported values
This station made possible by
Agland Coop
CHS Farmers Alliance
Dakota Plains Ag Center

See Archive pages for more data.