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Date Temperature °F4 in Bare Soil °FFrost Depth inRain inGust mph
10/635 to 6748 to 68No Frost0.0014
10/546 to 6855 to 68No Frost0.0038
10/440 to 7649 to 69No Frost0.0034
10/342 to 6054 to 68No Frost0.0014
10/254 to 7754 to 73No Frost0.0024
10/135 to 7449 to 67No Frost0.0026
9/3038 to 7456 to 70No Frost0.0043
©2024 South Dakota Board of Regents
This station made possible by
Perkins County
West River Cooperative Telephone Co.
Grand Electric Cooperative

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