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Date Temperature °F4 in Bare Soil °FFrost Depth inPrecip inGust mph
2/8-7 to 2223 to 2436 in0.0726
2/74 to 3116 to 2536 in0.0024
2/66 to 2316 to 2235 in0.0042
2/53 to 2015 to 2034 in0.0126
2/4-3 to 1116 to 2233 in0.0023
2/34 to 2321 to 2932 in0.0029
2/218 to 3826 to 3034 in0.0022
©2025 South Dakota Board of Regents
* freezing conditions may cause delayed and underreported values
This station made possible by
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
Moody County

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