The improved SD Mesonet Archive page allows users to see data charted and still get all the numbers. Data from January 2015 to current is available, but soon the whole record of every active station will be available.
Using this tool:
Select a month, season or the whole calendar year.
Select the year (Selecting Dec-Jan-Feb, 2019 creates a report ending Feb, 2019)
Click the "Submit"
Mouse over (or tap) on data points to see daily data values.
Zoom the graphs or click the “Reset zoom” button as needed.
Check the Glossary section to answer questions about the data displayed.
Need something special (raw data, hourly or 5-minute data, data for research or commercial use, etc.)?
Contact us to get a quote for a custom data request.
Feels Like is temperature adjusted for wind chill and heat index.
Frostdays are days that are at or below 32 °F at least part of the day.
Precipitation* indicates that at least one precipitation measurement in the period is uncertain due to freezing. They are graphed in gray.
Precipitations Days are days with measurable precipitation (0.01 in or greater).
Deepest Frost is the deepest calculated occurrence of 32 °F in the sod-covered soil profile.
Soil Moisture is in units of volumetric water content (inches of water per inch of soil). Frozen sensors cannot report soil moisture and are gray. Precipitation is plotted above to show percolation. This is a beta product under development.
Max Gust is the fastest 3-second wind.
Max Speed is the fastest 5-minute wind.
Total Clear Sky Solar Radiation is calculated value and is what would be expected with clear skies and no smoke or haze from sunrise to sunset.
Pressure is adjusted for elevation (altimeter setting).
Normals are provided for the days data is available, not for the days requested; a postitive (negative) "From Normal" value indicates that observed values were above (below) normal. Since most SD Mesonet stations do not have a 30-year preiod of record, normals are derived from 1991-2020
gridMet data.
Dates of occurrence are for the last occurrence in the event of ties.
Days are reported midnight-to-midnight local time.