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Date Temperature °F4 in Bare Soil °FFrost Depth inRain inGust mph
4/2429 to 6547 to 64No Frost0.0018
4/2340 to 6448 to 62No Frost0.0032
4/2242 to 7048 to 61No Frost0.0027
4/2128 to 6042 to 60No Frost0.0020
4/2029 to 4743 to 54No Frost0.0027
4/1925 to 4142 to 51No Frost0.0038
4/1831 to 4746 to 53No Frost0.0034
©2024 South Dakota Board of Regents
* = freezing conditions may cause delayed and underreported values
This station made possible by
City of Sioux Falls Public Works Department

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